Wednesday, July 2, 2014

WonHundred Word Wednesdays

She had to find the necklace before everyone else. The value of the diamond inside surpassed anything she’d gone searching for in the past. She’d researched its whereabouts for years and just as she found its location, a coworker had leaked the news. Now it was a race to get to the pyramid and secure it. The problem was that the security at the airport was taking too long and she knew she’d miss her flight. Her phone vibrated and she checked the text, smiling. Her partner had come through after all. She ran straight for the helicopter waiting outside.

Now check out the rest!


  1. I can really feel the anticipation. Great job!

  2. Ahhh, the dreaded security roadblock. At least she found a way around.

  3. How fun! the search would be fun to follow along :)

  4. Oh man! That is a fun race story. I want to know what she ends up doing next.
